org.jacoco jacoco-maven-plugin 0.7.9 com/swayam/demo/springbootdemo/rest/** com/swayam/demo/springbootdemo/rest/config/** com/swayam/demo/springbootdemo/rest/entity/** **/RestFulMicroserviceApplication.class prepare-agent ${jacoco.test.unit.dataFile} surefireArgLine prepare-agent post-unit-test test report ${jacoco.test.unit.dataFile} target/jacoco/site-unit-test
It is a good practice to include only project-specific classes. Otherwise, it tends to have the coverage for 3rd party libraries as well. The way to include/exclude a package is to name it like: com/swayam/demo/springbootdemo/rest/config/**
For including a single class: **/RestFulMicroserviceApplication.class
First, we would need to prepare the JaCoCo Agent for instrumentation:
This would set a property having the agent details, which is then passed o to the surefire plugin so that the tests are run with this agent. This is how the surefire plugin is configured:
org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire-plugin ${surefireArgLine}
After the Junit Tests are run, we can specify the directory for generating the coverage report:
SonarQube’s documentation for configuring a Maven plugin is scant, misleading and difficult to decipher. Its high time that they start hiring some good Tech Writer!
This is how the plugin is configured in your pom.xml. No global setting bullshit in settings.xml. Whoever suggested that is an idiot! The global settings.xml should kept as pristine as possible.
org.sonarsource.scanner.maven sonar-maven-plugin sonar
Apart from this, SonarQube also expects certain properties to be set.
It is recommended to pass this from the Maven plugin. I have included this under the sonar profile as below:
sonar ... ${project.artifactId} ${project.artifactId} ${project.version} true true src/main/java **/com/swayam/demo/springbootdemo/rest/config/**, **/com/swayam/demo/springbootdemo/rest/entity/**, **/ UTF-8 java src/test/java reuseReports target/surefire-reports target/classes ${jacoco.test.unit.dataFile} jacoco
Remember that Sonar works on Java source code. The way to include/exclude a package is to name it like: **/com/swayam/demo/springbootdemo/rest/config/**
Similarly, you can exclude individual class like this: **/
Run the Maven command:
mvn clean install sonar:sonar -P sonar
This will create the file: target/sonar/report-task.txt
There are the below 2 urls that has to be read from here:
1. serverUrl=
2. ceTaskUrl=
Read the response from the ceTaskUrl using curl, and save it to a file ceTask.json:
curl -o ceTask.json
The element we are interested in is task.analysisId:
"analysisId": "AWE3eRcyxJqMzJgr501D"
We need to read the response of the url: $serverUrl/api/qualitygates/project_status?analysisId=$analysisId
curl -o qualityGate.json
If the Json value projectStatus.status is ERROR, the project has failed QualityGate.
To start with, we would need to install the below Jenkins plugins:
We would need to tell Jenkins about our SonarQube installation. This is done by logging into Jenkins and then navigating to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
Click on Add Sonar instance and give a unique name: MySonarQubeLocal. This would be used later for Jenkins Pipeline Project.
Go to the Build section -> Add build step -> Execute SonarQube Scanner
You can specify the sonar properties either as a separate file in the section Path to project properties or in the section Analysis properties. Both of these approaches are equally bad. Instead, the properties should be passed through a Maven plugin in the build step as shown above:
clean install sonar:sonar -P sonar
In the Jenkins Freestyle Project, thats all the configuration you need.
The SonarQube Scanner plugin has support for Jenkins Pipeline. It can be used as follows:
withSonarQubeEnv('MySonarQubeLocal') { sh "/var/jenkins_home/apache-maven-3.5.0/bin/mvn clean install sonar:sonar -P sonar" }
To determine whether the project has passed the QualityGate, we need to use the logic stated in the section Running SonarQube Analysis and Fetching the results of QualityGate. Since we are using Groovy DSL, it is very easy for us to do this. I am pasting the full content of the Jenkinsfile:
pipeline { agent { label 'master' } stages { stage('Build') { steps { withSonarQubeEnv('MySonarQubeLocal') { dir('restful-microservice') { sh "/var/jenkins_home/apache-maven-3.5.0/bin/mvn clean install sonar:sonar -P sonar" script { def sonarProps = readFile encoding: 'utf-8', file: 'target/sonar/report-task.txt' echo "sonarProps: " + sonarProps def ceTaskUrl = 'ceTaskUrl' sonarProps.split('\n').each { line -> if (line.startsWith(ceTaskUrl)) { env.SONAR_CE_TASK_URL = line.substring(ceTaskUrl.length() + 1) echo "env.SONAR_CE_TASK_URL: " + env.SONAR_CE_TASK_URL } if (line.startsWith('serverUrl')) { def sonarServerUrl = line.split('=')[1] if (!sonarServerUrl.endsWith('/')) { sonarServerUrl += '/' } env.SONAR_SERVER_URL = sonarServerUrl echo "env.SONAR_SERVER_URL: " + env.SONAR_SERVER_URL } } } } } } } stage('Quality Gate') { steps { dir('restful-microservice') { script { sleep time: 3000, unit: 'MILLISECONDS' timeout(time: 1, unit: 'MINUTES') { waitUntil { def jsonOutputFile = 'target/sonar/ceTask.json' sh 'curl $SONAR_CE_TASK_URL -o ' + jsonOutputFile def jsonOutputFileContents = readFile encoding: 'utf-8', file: jsonOutputFile def ceTask = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonOutputFileContents) env.SONAR_ANALYSIS_ID = ceTask['task']['analysisId'] return 'SUCCESS'.equals(ceTask['task']['status']) } def qualityGateUrl = env.SONAR_SERVER_URL + 'api/qualitygates/project_status?analysisId=' + env.SONAR_ANALYSIS_ID echo "qualityGateUrl: " + qualityGateUrl def qualityGateJsonFile = 'target/sonar/qualityGate.json' sh 'curl ' + qualityGateUrl + ' -o ' + qualityGateJsonFile def qualityGateJsonFileContents = readFile encoding: 'utf-8', file: qualityGateJsonFile def qualityGateJson = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(qualityGateJsonFileContents) echo 'qualityGateJson: ' + qualityGateJson if ("ERROR".equals(qualityGateJson['projectStatus']['status'])) { error "Quality Gate Failure" } echo "Quality Gate Success" } } } } } stage('Code Coverage') { steps { jacoco() } } } }
projectKey=spring-boot-demo serverUrl= serverVersion= dashboardUrl= ceTaskId=AWBlpOuTAmeRAKOg4E_E ceTaskUrl=
{ "task": { "id": "AWBlpOuTAmeRAKOg4E_E", "type": "REPORT", "componentId": "AWBg3FFS8C0jOgq5kO1m", "componentKey": "spring-boot-demo", "componentName": "spring-boot-demo", "componentQualifier": "TRK", "analysisId": "AWBlpPPI5a3_SsAmFvXW", "status": "SUCCESS", "submittedAt": "2017-12-17T18:03:15+0000", "submitterLogin": "admin", "startedAt": "2017-12-17T18:03:17+0000", "executedAt": "2017-12-17T18:03:18+0000", "executionTimeMs": 1169, "logs": false, "hasScannerContext": true, "organization": "default-organization" } }
{ "projectStatus": { "status": "OK", "conditions": [ { "status": "OK", "metricKey": "new_security_rating", "comparator": "GT", "periodIndex": 1, "errorThreshold": "1", "actualValue": "1" }, { "status": "OK", "metricKey": "new_reliability_rating", "comparator": "GT", "periodIndex": 1, "errorThreshold": "1", "actualValue": "1" }, { "status": "OK", "metricKey": "new_maintainability_rating", "comparator": "GT", "periodIndex": 1, "errorThreshold": "1", "actualValue": "1" }, { "status": "OK", "metricKey": "new_duplicated_lines_density", "comparator": "GT", "periodIndex": 1, "errorThreshold": "3", "actualValue": "0.0" } ], "periods": [ { "index": 1, "mode": "previous_version", "date": "2017-12-16T19:50:29+0000" } ], "ignoredConditions": false } }
{ "projectStatus": { "status": "ERROR", "conditions": [ { "status": "OK", "metricKey": "new_security_rating", "comparator": "GT", "periodIndex": 1, "errorThreshold": "1", "actualValue": "1" }, { "status": "OK", "metricKey": "new_reliability_rating", "comparator": "GT", "periodIndex": 1, "errorThreshold": "1", "actualValue": "1" }, { "status": "OK", "metricKey": "new_maintainability_rating", "comparator": "GT", "periodIndex": 1, "errorThreshold": "1", "actualValue": "1" }, { "status": "ERROR", "metricKey": "coverage", "comparator": "LT", "errorThreshold": "80", "actualValue": "12.6" } ], "periods": [ { "index": 1, "mode": "previous_version", "date": "2017-12-31T18:00:19+0000" } ], "ignoredConditions": false } }
The complete sources can be found here: