A Gnome Launcher can be created by creating the below file in the Home/Desktop directory:
vim ~/Desktop/EclipsePhoton.desktop
with the below contents:
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=false Icon=/path-to-my-icon/icon.xpm Icon[en_US]=/path-to-my-icon/icon.xpm Exec=/path-to-my-installation/eclipse Name[en_US]=Eclipse Name=Eclipse
Once you save, you should be able to see the Laucher Icon on the Desktop. The challenge is, sometimes, you need to set some environment variables before launching. You can do that using sh -c command as shown below:
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=false Icon=/path-to-my-icon/icon.xpm Icon[en_US]=/path-to-my-icon/icon.xpm Exec=sh -c "GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus JAVA_HOME=/my/java/installation PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH /my-eclipse-installation/eclipse" Name[en_US]=Eclipse Name=Eclipse
In the above example, I am setting 2 environment variables:
The above works for Gnome 3 and Mate Desktops