Improve The Performance of Spring JPA using Projections

Posted by {"name"=>"Palash Ray", "email"=>"", "url"=>""} on April 27, 2024 · 10 mins read


We have been using Spring JPA quite extensively in our project. We had a dashboard that was displaying around 100-odd JPA Entities, through a REST API. The object graph had, at max, 2 levels of hierarchy. When we ran a performance test we observed that the dashboard API call takes around 8 seconds to return. We started investigating. What we essentially uncovered was the N+1 problem in Hibernate.

What that essentially means is this: suppose the root Entity has a list of N Child Entities. When you fetch the root Entity, after the first query is fired, lets say Query 1, then Hibernate fires the next N Queries to fetch the children.

This can lead to performance problems. I have heard many technologies shun JPA/Hibernate due to the framework’s perceived slowness. Though not entirely unfounded, what they do not know is how to improve the performance by using JPA’s Projections.

The problem at hand

Let’s talk about the problem first. We will take an example of a hierarchy of Entities as shown below:

JPA Entities Hierarchy

Trivial implementation

We will take a simple Spring Boot project. Add the below dependencies in the pom.xml:


The root Entity is the Book.

@Table(name = "BOOK")
public class Book implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "title")
    private String title;

    @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    @JoinColumn(name = "author_id")
    private Author author;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "book", fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    private Set<Chapter> chapters;


The Repository class is very simple as well:

public interface BookDao extends JpaRepository<Book, Long> {


We have a Rest Controller that exposes the REST endpoints. It directly calls the Repository.

public class BookController {

	private final BookDao bookDao;

	public BookController(BookDao bookDao) {
		this.bookDao = bookDao;

	public List<Book> getBooks() {
		return bookDao.findAll();


In order to print the queries generated by JPA/Hibernate, you need to enable Debugs for as shown below in our application.yml:

    root: INFO
    org.hibernate.SQL: DEBUG

Getting All Books

When we invoke the /books end-point to fetch all books, we can see many queries getting fired. I am pasting some typical queries that can be seen.

-- the first query gets the root entity Book
select,b1_0.author_id,b1_0.title from book b1_0

-- subsequent queries get the children, in this case the author
-- there will be multiple of these
-- I am pasting just 2
select,a1_0.first_name,a1_0.last_name from author a1_0 where

select,a1_0.first_name,a1_0.last_name from author a1_0 where

-- next comes the queries to fetch the Chapters

select c1_0.book_id,,c1_0.plot_summary,s1_0.chapter_id,,s1_0.section_length,s1_0.section_text,,c1_0.title from chapter c1_0 left join section s1_0 on where c1_0.book_id=?

select c1_0.book_id,,c1_0.plot_summary,s1_0.chapter_id,,s1_0.section_length,s1_0.section_text,,c1_0.title from chapter c1_0 left join section s1_0 on where c1_0.book_id=?

-- finally comes the queries to fetch Sections
select s1_0.chapter_id,,s1_0.section_length,s1_0.section_text, from section s1_0 where s1_0.chapter_id=?

select s1_0.chapter_id,,s1_0.section_length,s1_0.section_text, from section s1_0 where s1_0.chapter_id=?

Note that the number of queries fired depend on the number of children associated with the parent entities. And this is the performance issue that we are talking about, popularly known as the N+1 problem in Hibernate.

Solution: by the power of Projections

We use Projections to fetch only a subset of the entire object graph. If done well, we can have just a single query fetch the data we need. While there are many ways to do a Projection, like Class based and Interface based, today, we will see how to use Records to do Projections. Projections, like Spring JPA Query name, works on Bean naming convention.

Let us take a quick example: I have decided to fetch only the below 4 attributes from the entire object graph:

  1. Book ID
  2. Book Title
  3. Author ID
  4. Author First Name

Starting from the root Entity, which in this case is Book, I can intuitively define the below record which would fetch the properties using the Bean naming conventions:

public record BookView(Long id, String title, Long authorId, String authorFirstName) {


Let us now modify our Repository class to take advantage of Projection the just defined.

public interface BookDao extends JpaRepository<Book, Long> {

	List<BookView> findAllByIdNotNull();


In the method findAllByIdNotNull() that I have defined, I am saying that fetch all Books that have non-null IDs. Essentially this means all records as ID is my Primary Key.

Now let us expose this through our Controller:

	public List<BookView> getBooksForView() {
		return bookDao.findAllByIdNotNull();

Lets invoke the /books/view endpoint, and observe the no. of queries printed on the console: its just this one.

select,b1_0.title,,a1_0.first_name from book b1_0 left join author a1_0 on where is not null

If you see, Spring JPA knows exactly the attributes it needs to fetch from the entire object graph, so it has come up with a single LEFT OUTER JOIN.

That is the power of the Projections!


The sources for this example can be found here: