This is a Swing app to look for a class, package or any resource in a set of given jar/zip files.

Use case

I have got an ugly NoClassDef exception and I suspect the class to be present in some 5 or so odd jars present in a certain folder. I Enter the class name in the text box and point the probable jars form AddJars... and click Search. The matches are shown in the tree view.

How to run?

You need to have JDK1.6 or above. If you want to run it with 1.5, compile the sources with 1.5.
On Linux: java -jar JarBrowser.jar
On Windows: just double click on the JarBrowser.jar or use the same command.
Find the binaries here and the source here.
[caption id="attachment_76" align="alignnone" caption="JarBrowser"]JarBrowser[/caption]